Category Archives: Chesapeake Films

200+ Followers & Liebster Award

Hello my friends! I have amazing news, I have just cracked 200 followers woohoo! That was one of my blogging goals for the year and I did it hooray!

What I wanted to do today was thank some awesome people who have nominated me for the Liebster Award, thanks to Joel from Chesapeake films and Elfypie. I know it took me time to get to this and I am very sorry, I certainly feel slack, but I am doing it šŸ™‚ Watch me go šŸ™‚


Here are my answers toĀ Joel’s questions:

1. Why Blogging?

Because I love to write, I love to tell stories and share experiences and if I donā€™t write for a long period of time I feel fidgety and weird. It is part of who I am and I felt blogging was a good way to go. I love that people read my blog and get something out of it, it makes me strive to be regular with posting and I am getting so much out of it.

I have met so many amazing people through blogging, I have made connections with others based on writing, sense of humour, similar pursuits etc. and it has been wonderful. One of my favourite things is guest blogging for others, I donā€™t know why, but I just love doing it!

(Also number seven from the next lot of questions šŸ™‚ )

2. Twitter or FB?

FB ā€“ I cannot be limited to 140 characters haha.

3. Has there ever been a book that made you cry?

I canā€™t really think of one off the top of my head, but I am sure I have. Possibly (SPOILER ALERT) when Beth dies in Little Women, that part gets me every time.

4. What was the last meal you prepared from scratch?

Pancakes on Saturday om nom nom nom they was sooo good!

5. If you could go back in time, would you change anything?

I would have done my Librarian degree earlier and started trying for babies as soon as I met my Husband šŸ™‚

6. Do you believe in ā€œthe road less travelled?

I prefer ā€œThe Road Not Takenā€ by Frost.

7. Robin Williamsā€¦go!

I am positive Joel wrote this question with me in mind. This man is magnificence personified. His genius has so many layers, it is just endless. I cannot even think of an all-encompassing word to describe him anywhere near accurately. Dead Poets Society made me fall in love with poetry, Aladdin made me believe in magic, What Dreams May Come made me believe in the power of love. He has been one of my heroes from a very young age. Due to his passingĀ I am having a hard time with number 9 now šŸ™‚

8. What was your worst experience whileĀ travelling?

When I was 14 I was in Fiji on holiday with my family and whilst my parents were at the pool and my brothers were at a coconut tree climbing class a man tried to force his way into my room.

9. What are the top three things on your bucket list?

* Having a coffee with Robin Williams

* Singing with Bette Midler

* Write a story and publish it (e or hardback) ā€“ I am actually working on this currently

She’s just divine!

10. Is it the journey or the destination?

The journey and more importantly who you take it with.

11. What do you do to unwind/to get rid of the toxins from the day, to vent out your frustrations/to clear your head?

Sing, sing, sing.

Here are my answers toĀ Elfypie:

1. Favourite book?

Of all time? Oh man, this is such a hard question! Okay, I am going to choose two, that is probably against the rules, but you all know I am such a rebel šŸ˜›

So my TWO favourite books (of all time) are Little Women by Louisa May Alcott and Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.

Little Women I fall in love with the story every time I read it! Interview with the Vampire for pretty much the same reason, I adore Anne Riceā€™s writing, she has this amazing way of depicting people and places which makes the story come alive in your head.

2. Who inspires you?

My Mum is my biggest inspiration, all my life I have looked up to her and wanted to be as good a person as she is. She is so successful in so many aspects of life that it is impossible not to be inspired by her. She is a massive part of the reason I wanted to become a Librarian, to follow in her footsteps and without her my marks at Uni would not have been as good ā€“ great editor.

3. Music taste?

I am very eclectic, donā€™t ask me who my favourite band or singer is because it changes. At the moment I am loving Imagine Dragons, Pentatonix, Pink! (always loving Pink!) and Carrie Underwood ā€“ told you my taste was eclectic šŸ™‚ I am also listening to a lot of Queen, ACDC, Adam Lambert and the song Titanium (working on a slow, kind of country version of it).

Queen ft Adam Lambert @ the Sydney concert. Best. Night. Ever.

Queen ft Adam Lambert @ the Sydney concert. Best. Night. Ever.

4. What is your main ambition in life?

Man these are hard questions. My main ambition(s) (had to add the ā€œsā€ sorry) are to be happy, to make others happy, to constantly work towards helping others become information literate and making them lifelong learners and to love my family with everything I have. I guess as part of this you could now add my goal to become a Mum, some people might not think much of that goal, but I donā€™t think much of those people šŸ™‚

5. Dogs or cats?

I love both, but adore my 2 rescue puppies, they are such sweet and beautiful souls. I still canā€™t believe anyone abused and abandoned them! I donā€™t care that one of them is almost 10ā€¦ they are still my puppies šŸ™‚

6. Did you believe that the moon was made out of cheese when you were a kid?

No, but I did believe a man lived up there. Alsoā€¦ since he was in the sky and I thought heaven was in the clouds I kinda had this idea that he was in charge of looking after the people in heaven.

7. Why did you start blogging?

Because I love to write, I love to tell stories and share experiences and if I donā€™t write for a long period of time I feel fidgety and weird. It is part of who I am and I felt blogging was a good way to go. I love that people read my blog and get something out of it, it makes me strive to be regular with posting and I am getting so much out of it.

I have met so many amazing people through blogging, I have made connections with others based on writing, sense of humour, similar pursuits etc. and it has been wonderful. One of my favourite things is guest blogging for others, I donā€™t know why, but I just love doing it!

8. What are your top 3 qualities you look for in a person?

  • Good heart
  • Straight talk
  • A giver not a taker

9. What is your favourite place?

Before my Grandparents passed away they owned a house on a beach, every holiday we would go and spend time at my Grandparentā€™s house. Some of my best memories are there; it is my biggest wish that I could one day buy that house back. It is the most beautiful place in the world.

10. Who is your favourite Disney character?

The Genie from Aladdin!

11. Why is the sky blue?

Because if it were purple people would never stop looking at its awesomeness and nothing would ever get done šŸ™‚

Annnd nothing was done this day

Annnd nothing was done this day

Here are the rules for this award!

– You have to link back to the person that nominated you.

– You must answer all 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.

– After completing these questions you must nominate 11 bloggers under 200 followers and give them 11 questions of your choice.

– You must not nominate the person who nominated you.

Iā€™m not great with rules (as I am sure you have noticed) and a lot of the people I find awesome have over 200 followers because other people have also recognised their awesome J So here is what I am going to do, I am nominating people whose blogs I love, if they are under 200 awesome, if not then you should definitely check them out and follow them.

Here are my questions:

  1. What is your go to song at Karaoke?
  2. What was your favourite book growing up?
  3. What is your Starbucks order?
  4. Favourite dessert?
  5. The best poem ever isā€¦.?
  6. What is your favourite movie of all time?
  7. In one sentence please explain why Firefly should not have been cancelled.
  8. What is your best ā€œainā€™t nobody got time for that momentā€?
  9. What is your ā€œI cannot even be botheredā€ dinner? ā€“ something you make not buy
  10. How much do you love Tim Tams?
  11. What one thing would you change about your life in this moment?

And here are my peoples:

The Cat Bed

The Dimwhit

LauGraEvaĀ ā€“ you have to check out her handiworks!

The Gone ā€“ Ā This is a novel written online, pretty awesome. I am a little addictedā€¦ check it out!

Cutie Cameras ā€“ Love this blog and its author. Such a fresh, fun and colourful blog.

Storytime with John ā€“ John in hilarious! You have to check him out!

Cellulite Looks Better Tan ā€“ finding this blog was like finding a kindred spirit. I love how this lady writes!

Plus+ Beauty

A Red Lip and a Nude Shoe

I could list ALL day, but I am going to stop now šŸ™‚ Like I said I know that some of these people have more than 200 followers, but I don’t think being successful should stop me from showing my appreciation of their blogs.

Telling stories on yonder blog

Recently I was fortunate enough to be invited to submit a piece to the Chesapeake Films blog series “What do stories mean to you?” This is definitely my kind of topic and I had quite a few ideas on what I wanted to say. I sat down planning to write a stellar piece on stories and how they contribute to development, information literacy and creative thinking – seriously it was going to be amazeballs and not to ring my own bell or anything, but I probably would have won some kind of award!


But that didn’t happen, when I put my fingers to the keyboard a totally different story poured out of me. One that to be honest hadn’t even crossed my mind until I was telling it. Reading it back over I realised how important this story was to me, how personal and raw it was and honestly I considered not sending it over to Joel. But that is not the kind of writer I am, I am honest and this story obviously needed to come out. So I sent it (with very little editing – sorry about that Joel šŸ™‚ – because I thought I would chicken out if I spent too much time with it).

What do you know… he really liked it. I hope you check it out and like it also. Please head on over to theĀ Chesapeake Films blog and while you are there check out some of the other amazing tales in the series!