Kid friendly Easter activity – A day with Hendrix

I wanted to find a fun, easy and not overly messy or destructive activity to do with my nieces and nephews for Easter. So obviously because I am a Librarian I hit up the Googs and I saw some great ideas that I seriously considered.

Shredded Wheat nests

Shredded Wheat nests

There were these Shredded Wheat Nests from BBC GoodFood – for the Aussies out there I am pretty sure shredded wheat is weet-bix 🙂 Whilst I didn’t end up going with these I was inspired by the nest concept and for their Easter gifts I made chocolate cupcakes and carrot cupcakes and in my first foray into cupcake making I decorated them like little nests.

Not bad for a first attempt if I do say so myself

Not bad for a first attempt if I do say so myself. Note for future: it is hard to prevent brown icing from looking like poo… consider another flavour icing 🙂

There were activities that needed dyeing, gluing, sticky taping, painting, cooking, cutting and many of them were things the kids would lose interest in after one day and then they would be broken on the floor and I would feel like crap because I had put a lot of effort into creating that activity for them. Before anyone says anything, I am aware that this is how the world works and I should get used to it, but I haven’t accepted that yet.

So I decided to develop an activity that was fun, educational and not wasteful… you all think I am mental don’t you? 🙂

But I did it 🙂 Pretty sure I am not the first to think of this, but it was my own idea.

So here is what I devised:

The kids would create, decorate and consume an Easter egg craft.


Easter Egg Biscuits

Here is what you will need:

  • At least one packet of Arnott’s milk arrowroot biscuits (or equivalent biscuit that is vaguely egg shaped)
    milk arrowroot
  • Icing sugar
  • A variety of food dye
  • Mixed lollies and sprinkles

Yup that is all… so here is what we did. I had a fun test run with my nephew Hendrix and we had a whale of a time!

First I mixed up some plain icing mixture, I then sat him on the counter and asked what colour eggs he wanted. I added a few drops of blue (his choice) food dye to the mixture and got him to stir and change the colour. He LOVED this part and thought it was magic and yelled for everyone in the house to come watch him turn it blue 🙂

Then we iced the milk arrowroot biscuits and I put out the decorations for him to decorate it. Once he was finished we sat down and ate them.



Just a tip – to keep the mess factor down put sprinkles in a shaker and don’t put out massive amounts of the lollies… they will go everywhere hahaha.

Finished product

Finished product

He was also fascinated by the fact the icing turned his tongue blue.

I love how kids get fascinated by gross stuff, so amusing!

I love how kids get fascinated by gross stuff, so amusing!

By getting him to repeat out loud everything we were doing he also learned quite a few new words which was fabulous!

Rating: 9 out of 10 have fun with your friends

So in answer to the question: When you do something scary or stressful do you prefer to be surrounded by friends or by strangers? Why?
I would choose Hendrix my little Buddy/Nephew/Godson because when I do stressful or scary things I know that even if I fail utterly he will still think I am wonderful and invite me for a tea party afterwards.

About DitchTheBun

I wear many hats; Librarian, Mum, Wife, Sister, Daughter Friend, Health and Knowledge Seeker. Here is where I explore the many aspects of me and try new things on my journey. View all posts by DitchTheBun

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