Tag Archives: Queen

Oh the horror… the horror!!!

A brief recount of numerous times I have been freaked out by movies 🙂

When I was a little girl (around 9 or 10) I stupidly convinced my babysitter that I was allowed to watch Stephen King’s It, at the time I loved all books by R. L. Stine and all things horror and it never occurred to me that perhaps this was the reason that I had night terrors (yes I was a moron haha).

Needless to say it terrified me and ever since I have hated clowns, I have never watched that movie again, but now I wonder whether me today would have any problem with it. It is a wonder that I became a Librarian when I think back on the blood balloons scene.

I probably shouldn’t even mention when my brothers and I convinced another babysitter we could watch jaws and then were scared to go to the toilet or have a bath for two weeks. My littlest brother was terrified of water for a year, to be fair he was 7 years old at the time.

And Village of the Damned, holy crap! Village of the Damned is scary to a (then) 14 year old, my brothers and I loved Superman and Look Who’s Talking so we figured a movie with Christopher Reeve and Kirstie Alley in it would be stellar – nope, nope, nope. It was freaky and these crazy children were running around making people give themselves autopsies while they were still alive… eff that for a joke. Really I was the oldest, I feel like I led my brothers astray somewhat 🙂

A couple of years ago I had a movie night with a friend, she had picked Saw number something or other, I had never seen any of the Saw movies so figured what the hell it can’t be worse than Norbit (the first movie we watched). So she turns it on… Some dude is strung up with rings through numerous parts of his body (including his jaw) and if he wants to live he has to pull himself off the rings tearing through muscle, ligament, flesh and (in the case of his jaw) bone to break free.

[I posted the above because there is no way in hell that I was posting a video of that scene and I am going to see Queen ft Adam Lambert in a month so am devouring all the Queen I can 🙂 ]

I got through two, maybe three rings and that was it, I declared, “I’m out!” grabbed the popcorn bowl and walked out. She asked me what was wrong and I said there was no way I was going to watch people mutilate themselves or be mutilated. Ugh *shudders* never again Saw movies, never again. 


Meanwhile, have you guys seen Drag me to Hell? There are some jumpy bits in it and all and the story was pretty decent for a supernatural thriller/horror, but more than anything I got the serious icks from it! Just saying you guys, if you don’t want to see formaldehyde pouring out of a very dead person’s mouth onto a very alive person then skip this film. Decent acting though! 

Daily Prompt Can’t watch this